Good Corporate Governance Guidance

The Board of Directors recognizes the significance of the rights of the shareholders. They will not engage in any action which will violate or diminish the rights of the shareholders. To this end, a policy has been established and disclosed to the public through the various channels of the Company. This policy confirms that the Company supports and encourages the exercising of shareholders' rights. Such rights include basic statutory rights, the right to receive crucial information, the right to propose agendas and to nominate candidates for directorial positions, the right to submit inquiries prior to the Annual General Meeting; and the right to participate in and vote at Annual General Meetings. Requirements are in place to regularly improve and enhance such exercise of rights for the utmost benefit of the shareholders.
In order to assure shareholders of equitable treatment of all shareholders by the Company, the Board of Directors has established a corporate governance policy to require protection of shareholders' rights and fair and also ensure equitable treatment of all shareholders. For instance, this policy requires the equal exercise of rights by major shareholders and minor shareholders at the Annual General Meeting; the equal disclosure of information; the prevention of Conflicts of Interests or the use of internal information to illegitimately benefit oneself and others.
The Board of Directors has established a policy requiring consideration of statutory rights of stakeholders and the agreements they have with the Company when interacting with them. This policy is to be observed by the Board of Directors, Executives and Employees of all levels in order to ensure the proper protection of such rights and the appropriate treatment of such stakeholders. It encourages cooperation between the Company and stakeholders on the creation of wealth, financial security, business integrity, as well as the preservation of the environment, society and, sustainable development.
The Board of Directors appreciates the significance of information quality and equitable, transparent and fair disclosure of information via accessible and credible channels. A policy has been established to govern the sufficient, credible and timely preparation and disclosure of information, financial and otherwise. The information being disclosed must have been prepared carefully, clearly, correctly, transparently and in a manner which allows an audit to be completed. The language used should be clear, and concise. Crucial information needs to be disclosed regularly, regardless of whether it is positive or negative, in order to maintain the confidence of shareholders and stakeholders and assure them that they are receiving information in an equitable manner as per the requirements of rules, laws and the articles of association of the Company and relevant governmental agencies. The Board of Directors may assign the Audit Committee and / or the management to act on their behalf as necessary.
As an assurance for the shareholders and the investors, the Company, by the Board of Directors, has established visions, missions, directions, and operational strategies with an efficient performance monitoring and evaluation system in place, which is independent from the management, to review the operation of Executives in accordance with the good corporate governance principle.

- An Independent Director holds no more than 0.5% of all shares with voting rights of the Company, the Parent Company, a Subsidiary, a Joint/Associated Company, a Major Shareholder or an Entity with Controlling Authority. This is inclusive of shares held by anyone who is affiliated with them.
- An Independent Director is a Director, who is not involved in the management, employees, staff, consultant with monthly salary or Entities with Controlling Authority over the Company, the Parent Company, a Subsidiary, a Joint/Associated Company, a Major Shareholder or an Entity with Controlling Authority, either at the present time or within two years prior to his/her appointment as an Independent Director.
- An Independent Director has no connection by blood or legal registration as father, mother, spouse, sibling, son/daughter or spouse of son/daughter of another Director. Further, an Independent Director has no such connection with an Executive, a Major Shareholder, and an Entity with Controlling Authority or an Individual who will be nominated as Director, Executive or Entity with Controlling Authority over the Company or the Subsidiary.
- An Independent Director has no business relationship with the Company, the Parent Company, a Subsidiary, a Joint/Associated Company, a Major Shareholder or an Entity with Controlling Authority in such a manner that may obstruct their exercise of independent discretion. Further, an Independent Director is not a Significant Shareholder or an Entity with Controlling Authority over a party with business relationship with the Company, the Parent Company, a Subsidiary, a Joint/Associated Company, a Major Shareholder or an Entity with Controlling Authority, either at the present time or within two years prior to his/her appointment as Independent Director. Such business relationship is inclusive of a trading transaction occurring on a conventional basis for the conduct of business; a rent or lease of property; a transaction involving assets or services; a provision or an acceptance of financial assistance through means of a loan, a guarantee, a use of an asset as collateral against debt; and, other similar actions which result in the Company or the party to the contract having a debt to be repaid to another party for the amount from 3% of net tangible assets (NTA) of the Company or from 20 Million Baht, whichever is lower. This amount is determined by the calculation of Related Transaction value as per the announcement of the Securities and Exchange Commission. It is inclusive of debt(s) arising within one year prior to the day of business relationship with the same party.
- An Independent Director is not an auditor of the Company, the Parent Company, a Subsidiary, a Joint/Associated Company, a Major Shareholder or an Entity with Controlling Authority, and, not a Significant Shareholder (holding more than 10% of all shares with voting rights of the Company, including shares held by Linked Entities), an Entity with Controlling Authority or a partner to the audit office with which the auditors of the Parent Company, a Subsidiary, a Joint/ Associated Company, a Major Shareholder or an Entity with Controlling Authority are associated at the present time or have been within two years prior to his/her appointment as an Independent Director.
- An Independent Director is not a person rendering any professional service or a legal or financial consultant who is paid more than Two Million Baht in service fee per year by the Company, the Parent Company, a Subsidiary, a Joint Company, a Major Shareholder or an Entity with Controlling Authority, and, not a Significant Shareholder or an Entity with Controlling Authority over the Company or a partner to such professional service provider at the present time or within two years prior to his/her appointment as an Independent Director.
- An Independent Director is not a Director who is appointed to be a nominee of a Director of the Company, a Major Shareholder or a Shareholder who is connected to a Major Shareholder.
- An Independent Director does not engage in a business of the same nature as and which is significantly competitive to that of the Company, the Parent Company or a Subsidiary. An Independent Director is not a significant partner to a partnership or a Director with involvement in the management, employees, staff, consultant with monthly salary, or, who holds more than 1% of all shares with voting rights of another company which is engaged in a business of the same nature as and which is significantly competitive to that of the Company or a Subsidiary.
- An Independent Director does not have any other characteristic which prevents him or her from opining freely on the operation of the Company. Following appointment as Independent Directors, they may be assigned by the Board of Directors to make collective decisions involving the business of the Company, the Parent Company, a Subsidiary, a Joint / Associated Company, a Subsidiary of Equal Level, a Major Shareholder or an Entity with Controlling Authority, where it will not be deemed that such Independent Directors are Directors involved with the administration.
The Board of Directors of Global Green Chemicals Public Company Limited (GGC) aims to promote operational efficiency, good corporate governance and excellent management among the Company and its subsidiaries.