Challenges and Commitments

GGC is aware that the industrial sector consumes more energy than other business sectors. Both the acquisition and consumption of energy may affect the environment and health. Furthermore, they contribute to climate change. Therefore, the Company is determined to solve this problem at the root cause by efficiently using energy to reduce impact on the environment and society throughout our value chain.

Key Stakeholders

Shareholder, Investor and Analyst
Supplier and Business Partner


Reduce energy consumption per ton of production at Methyl Ester Plant 1 (ME1) by
13.8 percent
in 2023 compared to 2022.
Limit energy consumption not exceeding
2.26 and 0.36
MWh per ton of production in 2023 at Methyl Ester Plant 1 and 2, respectively.

Management Approach

Energy Efficiency Management

GGC has implemented and certified an energy management system according to ISO 50001:2018 . This system is operated in accordance with the GGC Efficiency-Driven Roadmap in all production processes. All GGC plants have been certified for the energy management system according to ISO 50001. This demonstrates efficient energy usage, continuous improvement, and strict adherence to laws and regulations.

Efficiency-Driven Road Map

2023 2024 - 2025 2026 - 2030
Efficiency-Driven Efficiency & Asset Improvement and Low Carbon Heat Initiatives
Increasing operational efficiency and reducing waste emissions through 2 main management guidelines.

1. Using low-carbon energy sources or renewable energy

  • Low-carbon energy sources such as natural gas.
  • Renewable energy sources such as solar energy, biomass energy, and biogas energy.

2. Process Efficiency Measures

  • Capital Investment for Efficiency Enhancement
  • Utilizing Real-Time Monitoring and Data-Driven Operational Optimization
  • Proactive Maintenance

For more details about Efficiency-Driven Strategy and Roadmap, see the 2023 Integrated Sustainability Report at Integrated Sustainability Report 2023

GGC has developed an action plan to enhance energy efficiency and reduce energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions at each plant in line with the Efficiency-Driven Strategy and Roadmap. The action plan includes

  1. Exploring renewable energy sources such as solar, biomass, and biogas energy in the future as part of the mechanism to achieve the Net Zero target in 2050.
  2. Implementing process efficiency measures like capital investment for enhancing efficiency, real-time monitoring and data-driven operational optimization, and proactive maintenance.
  3. Conducting research and development, GGC plans to decrease non-renewable energy consumption to 413,953.21 MWh in 2023 through optimization process projects. This involves reducing electricity and fuel usage, minimizing resource wastage, and lowering greenhouse gas emissions using efficient technology, which not only cuts costs for the company but also aligns with sustainable development guidelines.
  4. Regularly evaluating and monitoring the progress of each project by comparing energy reduction performance before and after implementing efficiency-driven projects to identify issues and implement corrective actions.
  5. Conducting Training in relation to energy and environmental topics to all employees for all departments in order to educate and enhance the knowledge of energy efficiency in the operations and workplace as well as encourage for new ideas for energy reduction initiatives through the training.

Efficiency Driven Projects

Due to GGC’s dedication to energy efficiency management, as well as the Company’s ongoing initiation and implementation of Efficiency-Driven projects, GGC has further enhanced its capability to meet the set goals for reducing energy consumption.

For more details about Efficiency-Driven projects in 2023, see the 2023 Integrated Sustainability Report at Integrated Sustainability Report 2023

Advanced Process Control at Fractionation Column of FAOH Plant

Installing software called Advanced Process Control (APC), a system that controls the automatic opening and closing of valves by detecting changes in temperature and Reflux Flow to the Fractionation column, which is a part of the production of fatty alcohol. Using APC is considered an application of innovation to develop process Innovation and reduce the use of steam energy. As a result, the Company was able to reduce energy use and operations costs.

Optimize Cooling Fan Mode

Conducting research to Increase the efficiency of cooling fans to remove excess cooling fan air without affecting the temperature of the cooling water. As a result, the Company was able to save electricity and reduce machine operating expenses.

Coating Pump for Reduce Energy Cooling Water Pump

Increasing efficiency of water pumps, which are water-pumping devices or devices that move water using electrical energy. The Company has repainted the inside of the water pump. As a result, the pump's surface is smoother, reducing friction and increasing the speed of water flow. This allows for the reduction of electricity consumption and the use of electrical energy in production. As a result, the Company can reduce electricity use and increase the efficiency of the pump and production process.

Energy Efficiency Training

GGC prioritizes enhancing employee knowledge, with energy efficiency being one of the topics on which GGC provides training to employees. GGC provided the following energy efficiency training to employees:

Insight ISO 50001:2018 Training

GGC conducts training on the energy management system according to the ISO 50001:2018 standard, which is widely adopted for systematic management and can be integrated with other ISO systems. The training program is designed by ConicleX with expert instructors. The content is structured and delivered in an easy-to-understand manner, requiring minimal learning time and focusing solely on the main points that often cause confusion and issues in an application. This aims to provide a comprehensive overview of management. The training topics include:

  1. Energy management planning and implementation
  2. Trends in energy management
  3. Relevant legal requirements
  4. Integration with other international standards


As part of the GGC TPM training process, GGC has established a training on the Data Science Course with the aims to develop analytical skills for engineers and able to use appropriate analytical tools, enhancing more efficiency in business operation including the used of energy in the business operation. The Courses also bring about knowledge gain and skill development to reduce any operation problems and develop unit operation courses for all processes.

The training courses are structured in 3 phases from 2022 – 2026.

  1. Functional Competency includes Basic Process, Basic Equipment, Basic Process and control.
  2. Soft Competency includes problem solving and decision making, teamwork and collaboration, analytical and structural thinking as well as developing and coaching subordinates.
  3. Leadership Competency includes the recognition of Strategic Visionary and Big Pictures, adaptation of technology and digital adaptability to enhance the efficiency used of energy, raw materials and resources and lastly the development of change leadership, agility and adaptability.

In 2023, GGC has established Online Learning & Increase of Materials in terms of functional competency, which including in the curriculum the components of energy efficiency within the workflow process.

Through this training, the engineers can familiarize themselves with the functions of the business process and later develop the problem solving, decision making towards reduction of energy usage, improve the efficiency of the equipment in their production units.

Green Tech Expo 2023

GGC has sent the employees to participate and gather more knowledge and know how from Green Technology Expo in 2023. This is considered as a training for technicians as well as opportunities to gather more technology in the fields. The Thailand Green Technology Expo 2023 showcased a range of innovations and initiatives focused on sustainable technologies. GGC’s employees can gather knowledge and know-how of

  1. Emerging Technologies:

    Participants could learn about cutting-edge green technologies that are being developed or implemented in various sectors such as renewable energy, waste management, water conservation, and sustainable agriculture.

  2. Best Practices:

    The expo might highlight successful case studies and best practices from different organizations or countries, demonstrating effective ways to integrate green technologies into everyday practices.

  3. Policy and Regulation:

    Insights into the regulatory frameworks and government policies supporting green technologies in Thailand and globally could be discussed, providing clarity on how policies influence technology adoption.

  4. Environmental Impact:

    Discussions on the environmental benefits of green technologies, such as reduced carbon emissions, improved air and water quality, and biodiversity conservation, would be informative.

  5. Challenges and Solutions:

    Identification of challenges in adopting green technologies and discussions on innovative solutions and strategies to overcome them.

Overall, the Thailand Green Technology Expo 2023 would serve as a platform for learning, collaboration, and inspiration in the field of sustainable technology, promoting a greener and more sustainable future.